Here you will find all the information about our new Designer. Learn how to upload images, arrange shapes or change the design.
If you want to familiarise yourself first, here is an example of how to order calendars, explained in three steps:
1. Determining the size and print run
First use the configurator to select your desired print run, size, orientation and service options. You cannot change them later without exiting the designer.
2. Configuring the design
Simply choose the colours, shapes and fonts you want to incorporate into your personal product.
3. Upload photos easily
Uploading photos is also quick and easy with our new designer: simply select the images you want on your computer or use our new mobile phone and QR code upload feature.
Nützliche Funktionen
Inserting and editing the photos
You can conveniently upload images from your computer and drag and drop them onto your product. You can also try out our mobile version by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone and then selecting your images.
Selecting the layout
Here you can select ready-made layouts that you can also customise to suit your needs. You can also replace the various placeholders with other elements such as fonts or shapes.
You can also upload PDF files here (only PDF-X/4 possible).
Inserting shapes
Here you will find a large selection of elements that you can place on your product:
- Placeholders for images and logos in various forms.
- Text templates for continuous text, addresses or simple headings.
- QR code
- Various shapes
Of course, you can change the size, colour and alignment of the inserted elements at any time.
Arranging shapes
You have the option of inserting a number of different shapes into the product.
If you are not happy with the layout and some of the shapes overlap incorrectly, you can right-click to open an overview and make any changes you want.
Customising the calendar
Here you can freely configure the calendar according to your needs: Set the calendar year and holidays to be displayed, or add your own annual highlights.
Customising the design
Choose the font you want to use for your calendar. We also offer various pre-configured colour schemes.